I was Idaho’s lieutenant governor in the mid-1990s when—like a shotgun wedding— Canadian gray wolves were “reintroduced” to the Idaho backcountry by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service against our wishes. And I was a member of Congress in the early years of the 21st century as those transplanted predators grew into packs that began ravaging our elk herds and terrorizing our livestock. So, when I became Idaho’s governor in 2007, one of my top priorities was working with our congressional delegation, sportsmen, ranchers, and many others—including Ted Lyon—to overcome the legal hurdles set up by environmental extremists and activist judges to states wresting management of these big marauders from federal bureaucrats. Ted’s book The Real Wolf does a compelling job of chronicling that process and why it remains so important to those of us—no matter our political affiliation—who care deeply about states’ rights and responsible stewardship of our public lands, wildlife, and other resources.
— Idaho Governor C. L. “Butch” Otter

The authors have done an excellent job of identifying the history and governmental research behind wolf reintroduction programs in the West. More importantly, they have demonstrated unexpected consequences on big game herds when states do not have full legal management authority over predators and other species in their states.
— Gregory Sheehan, Director, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
It has taken nearly 30 years to compile between two book covers all the facts to explain to the American people that they were misled about the wolf. Everything you need to learn about the truth concerning wolves can be found in The Real Wolf, which is destined to become the encyclopedia of wolf facts, loaded with resources from some of the most renowned scientists, researchers, investigators, and historians the world has to offer. The Real Wolf presents hundreds of pages of documents, facts, and real life stories about gray wolves, including over 460 references, footnotes, and links to sources and facts.
— Tom Remington, Author, Writer, Researcher

The Real Wolf exceeded all my expectations. Consequently, I have recommended it to almost everyone in my circle of friends that has the time or inclination to read such an exhaustive study. I also have written a brief note to C.J. Hadley, publisher and editor of Range Magazine, expressing my high regard for this valuable reference.
— Alan Hart, Professional Photographer and Freeland Writer (strangerhart.com)

The Real Wolf deserves widespread readership for methodically and scientifically putting to rest the sentimental modern mythology about the wolf so prevalent here in the United States.
— Lee Fahrney, Free-Lane Outdoors Writer
Lyon and Graves, along with an impressive array of expert witnesses, leave no stone unturned in an attempt to counter the disingenuous portrayal of farmers and sportsmen…
— Lee Fahrney, Free-Lane Outdoors Writer

The New Book “The Real Wolf” Brings The Pro Wolfers Out Of Their Dens In A Howling Frenzy. By If there is one thing that wolf supporters in the United States cannot stand, it is the truth about wolves. Since the start of the common sense call for adequate control of wolves in the Lower 48, those who fantasize about a fictitious or mythical predator that really doesn’t exist will immediately use the internet to gang up on anyone who challenges their false claims about how wolves are the sanitarians of nature, only killing what they eat and how wolves bring a natural balance to wildlife populations.
— Toby Bridges, LOBO WATCH

Setting the Record Straight on Wolves. This is the book that we have been waiting for: a definitive, thorough source of information about the historical experience resulting from the introduction of the Canadian wolf into Yellowstone Park, as well an in encyclopedic array of information about the wolf in the United States and the world. The Real Wolf: The Science, Politics, and Economics of Co-Existing with Wolves in Modern Times, by Ted B. Lyon and Will N. Graves, deserves widespread readership for methodically and scientifically setting to rest the sentimental modern mythology about the wolf so prevalent here in the East, where the lack of accurate information has allowed radical environmentalists to recruit well-meaning people to their pro-wolf movement.
— Carol W. LaGrosse

Let me preface this book report by stating a few facts. All the outdoorsmen and livestock owners that I know hate wolves. One reason is all the damage that they do but even more so is that they were deceitfully introduced and forced down our throats with such a barrage of lies. I have yet to read one honest report by the wolf lovers. Their whole marketing scheme was based on lies and deception.
— Tom Claycomb, Extreme Idaho
This book will soon become the leading factual documentary on wolves. Up until this point it has been impossible to find the truth.
— Tom Claycomb, Extreme Idaho

Congratulations for a book that needed to written, and that will help Americans down the road to lucid decisions about wolves. I salute you both, as does every rancher, farmer, and thinker whose mind hasn’t been addled by wolf propaganda. When confronted, wolfers lie. Your outstanding reviews on Amazon, and the propagandists’ and useful idiots who’re trying to refute them, confirm this. Facts are friendly. Facts are the grenades you toss into packs of lies. Stick to your guns. There’s a ground swell building. And like key books of yesteryear, THE REAL WOLF is already changing minds the old fashion way—by word of mouth and letters (reviews). I didn’t think I’d see it happen again in my time, but it has. There two kinds of writing in this world — writing that counts, and writing that doesn’t. Your book(s) counts. It’s a rare game changer. It’s a breath of fresh truth. Congratulation my friends. All best.
— Russ McAfee

I have reviewed this book cover to cover and back and again and it has everything you need to know about the real wolf. It fits perfectly with the “American Conservation Ethic”: The American Conservation Ethic is built around eight principles that are grounded in experience, science, wisdom, and the enduring values of a free people. When I wrote a minority report and legal opinion on the Oregon Wolf Conservation Plan I touched bases with many of the contributors to this tome personally and read what they have written before and since. Now it’s all in one place to use for anyone wanting to know anything about the real wolf. It will be a resource in my library well in front of David Mech’s two books. The chapters on how the authors and others achieved congressional delisting the gray wolf in the northwest and a roadmap for amending the endangered species act are invaluable. Anyone interested in wolves, preservation, conservation or annihilation or anything in between, must read this well written, very readable book.Thanks Will Graves and Ted Lyon and all the contributors from we who are in the living laboratory of the study of the economics on co-existing with the real wolf.
— Sharon Beck

When Will Graves asked me if I would consider writing a chapter for The Real Wolf, which he co-authored along with Ted Lyon, my first reaction was that it would be a wonderful opportunity to provide factual information to countless people who have been bombarded with fairy talks about living with wolves. But after learning the names of several bona fide experts from various fields who, like Graves, had already agreed to provide their facts, I felt that anything I added to the book would be coming from a researcher rather than an expert.
— George Dovel

It’s been very helpful for my senior project. It isn’t easy finding information on wolves that shows the negative consequences of their re-introduction. This topic boggles the minds of my fellow students and professors when I tell them what I am doing. Especially here in California, all they know is that wolves are “majestic and beautiful” and they wish they could have one as a pet. I hope the book is doing well, because information that supports livestock producers and reveals the problems with these conservation groups is hard to come by. You guys are doing something good. Thank you for checking in.
— Martin Paris
The Real Wolf arrived yesterday, and I have not been able to put it down… Incredible work, and I am just glad to say I knew you before you hit the big time! Some of the most enlightening were the chapters (16-17) and research compiled in Catron County New Mexico, (as the principal territory manager for New Mexico, my most favored state status with regard to private land owner big game tags & ranch management for game, no other state even comes close) and even more impressive was chapter 19 on getting the battle won…
— J. Gregory Liddle

The introduction of the Canadian wolf into Yellowstone Park was marked with great fanfare with visions of this handsome predator fitting into the complex ecosystem. This resettling of this species is supported by the Fish and Wildlife Service and protected by the Endangered Species Act.

In a series of articles and essays assembled by the authors, the so–called myth of the noble animal is challenged and contradicted. The negative aspects of wolf behavior are stressed and the dangers posed by these animals emphasized. The writers, mainly those who live within wolf range, describe the decimation of the native ungulate population (especially the elk), the loss of livestock, danger to humans, disease introduction, diminished hunting opportunities, and the growing numbers of this protected animal.

This college level book is filled with references to support the argument that this introduced species is unnatural and dangerous. It is filled with references to support the claims, but unfortunately lacks an index. Intended to awaken the general public to the negative aspects of the wolf recovery program, this hastily assembled collection of articles can serve as a resource for a debate on the pros and cons of this issue.
— Rita Hoots, Science Professor, Woodland Community College

This is a fascinating read and explains the wolf story on many levels that I would never have imagined.
— Buddy Duvall, Executive Director, USA Shooting Team Foundation Colorado Spring, CO

I received the book yesterday, started reading and have had to force myself to put it down periodically to think about what I have just read. It is mind boggling, but not surprising, to read how wolves were forced upon an unsuspecting public, by so called experts. After reading in the Capital Press (out of Oregon) several years ago a letter by Will Graves about wolf parasites, I took a chance and called him. He graciously gave me at least a half hour of his time. I told him I first heard about hydatid disease over 40 years ago in a college class at Washington State University, and that I remembered feeling lucky that there were no wolves in Washington State. In that class I learned about a Canadian man who contracted the disease from petting his dog. I tried to pass on the information I learned from Mr. Graves, but it fell on deaf ears. It particularly angers me to think of small children unknowingly ingesting the tapeworm cysts. In my opinion this is a public health crisis of huge proportions, but hopefully the book will help spread the word. I would recommend the book to anyone who wants to know the truth. Thank you for your efforts.
— Kathleen Dickson

Humans have always had an innate fear of wolves; to realize this, all you need to do is look at history, folklore and stories handed down through many centuries around the world. People in most countries still have a healthy respect and fear of wolves because they compete with us and have been known to eat us. But during the past century in America, there have been attempts to create new fairytales about wolves being cute and cuddly, essential to the “balance of nature” and in need of protection from humans.
— Heather Smith Thomas

If you’re of the mindset the wolves are noble, intelligent animals that only kill when hungry, eat what they kill, bring balance to nature and never harm humans, this book is not for you, especially if you don’t want to face reality.
— MT Farm Bureau Federation Spokesman
Finally, a comprehensive new book compiles into one place the history; success and failure; emotional currency; deceits; and the economic, social, legal and political ramifications of the federal wolf reintroductions in the United States.
— Dexter K. Oliver

In The Real Wolf, authors Ted B. Lyon and Will N. Graves along with their host of contributors show how institutionalized misconceptions about the wolf in North America led to the growing wolf problem in America today. After the near-extinction of the buffalo, once the primary source of food for the plains wolf, and the introduction of domestic livestock, the wolf itself was hunted to near-extinction in North America itself. A stable population of wolves lived in far northern Minnesota, despite being vigorously hunted whenever they ventured too far out of an accepted territory, and the authors contend, a small population of wolves survived in the Rocky Mountains around Yellowstone, which is an important point.
— Carrie Stadheim and Matthew Trask